Previous Summer Research Experiences

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Summer 2023 Undergraduate Research Participants

Participants of the 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Program outside CUE building.
Summer Undergraduate Research members on the Pullman campus of Washington State University, Wednesday, May 31, 2023.

Summer 2020 Undergraduate Research Participants

News Release: Two WSU NSF-sponsored Undergraduate Summer Research Programs Move Ahead Despite Pandemic Challenges

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting from the orientation event for summer 2020 REU students.

July 31 Public Research Presentations Online

PULLMAN, Wash.—Despite in-person restrictions necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, two National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored research programs for undergraduates went forward at WSU this summer and welcomed 16 students from 15 universities—online.

Both are in the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. They are: Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Training in Wearable Computing,” led by Hassan Ghasemzadeh, associate professor; and, Undergraduate Research in Smart Environments,” led by Larry Holder, professor. In addition to these principal investigators, several faculty serve as mentors, supported by graduate assistants.

Summer 2016 Undergraduate Research Participants

Student participants of the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Program stand together outside the CUE building.